Monday, June 25, 2007

Because he said he'd have me

I love watching TV with my husband above all others. That's because only with him can I be absolutely as contemptuous and scathing as I like about stupid people on various shows. He understands, echoes and expands on my comments, and doesn't believe I'm a horrible person in the end. What more could you ask.

Tonight we were watching House Hunters, a show where people do nothing but look at houses for sale and then buy one (it's surprisingly addictive, trust me). The woman of the couple was not very bright. She was a student, and one of the things on their wish list was an area for her to study.

They visited a house that had nice built in cabinets and a built in desk in one room. She walked up to the desk and said, "These built-ins are nice, I could use this one as a desk!" Gosh, you know, I bet that would work out really well, since it was a desk.

Then they saw a small dining room. The husband said, "Kind of a small room." She said, "Not too small for a table and chairs!" Wow, a table and chairs. What a great sense of how best to use a space this woman has.

She was also a real estate agent herself, but they used a real estate agent to find a house. OK, isn't that kind of the whole point of that career, being able to find a great house when you want one?

They live in the Baltimore area. I'm glad they're out there and I'm here. That way, the chances that I'll meet her someday in person and tell her that I'm sorry she's stupid are much lower.

And yes, I've been on TV twice and both times I was OK with how I came across (other than how my voice sounded). Have you ever been on TV and what did you think of your appearance?

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