Friday, June 22, 2007


We were discussing what to have for dinner tonight. Julia is coming down sick and she never eats anything when she's ill, so I was resolved to give her something she really likes to improve her nutrition chances.

I offered chicken nuggets. Greg suggested spaghetti. Allie said she wanted chicken nuggets. I suggested chicken nuggets and spaghetti. Julia said she just wanted spaghetti. Greg said he would make chicken breasts on the grill for himself and Allie. Allie whined that she wanted chicken nuggets.

Greg said, it's the same thing! Allie said, it's not the same! Greg said, the only difference is the breading. That breading will kill you. Allie looked doubtful and worried.

I made like a zombie and proceeded to try to strangle Greg, saying, I'm the breading and I'm going to kill you. Allie laughed. She got chicken nuggets and spaghetti for dinner. The kids won again.

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