Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Last night, the kitties went exploring. Yep, exploring into the wide, wonderful world. Yep, outside. Or as it's otherwise known, the FORBIDDEN ZONE.

Our cats do not go outside. It's safer for them and they live long, cosseted lives, vicariously viewing the world through windows with great windowsills.

Greg and I had spent a good part of the day cleaning, since my in-laws are coming to visit us today. The last time I saw the cats, they were throwing themselves at the top of the screen door that allows access onto the deck, trying fruitlessly to get at the bugs outside that were attracted by our lights.

We finished cleaning and sat on the couch to watch a little TV and talk. Greg went upstairs to take a shower before bed and I started turning out the lights and locking up. That's when I found out that the screen door to the deck was open a good three inches, or right about kitty width.

The screen door wasn't locked, so I figure they either developed paw strength enough to open the door without a handle or, they managed to jump up enough to jostle the door in the frame until it opened enough for them to squeeze through.

At 10:20 last night, I walked all over our yard calling their names. We've had them for 4 months now, so I was hopeful that was enough time that they'd actually know their names, which we changed when we got them. There were no squished kitties in the busy street that runs on the side of our house, so that was a good sign. Almost immediately, I saw the outline of a cat's head and ears looking at me from near our neighbor's driveway. Something didn't look right, though.

I called to the cat and walked a little closer, then bent down and made a noise with my fingers. The cat came over and I picked it up. He immediately started meowing as I brought him towards the light and I confirmed that he wasn't one of our cats. Brown/black body, white paws. Nope, not one of ours.

I let him go and kept calling. Walked a circle around the entire house calling. Then I saw Simon cowering on the deck. I went up and opened the door to the house for him, then came around behind him and he bolted into the house.

Greg came outside and we walked around some more, calling. He brought their food container--smart move. Greg saw Rabies hiding under the deck (in mud, since it had been raining off and on all day). Rabies came out to be petted eventually and Greg grabbed him, getting hissed at and getting muddy for his heroic rescue.

The adventure was over. I figure they were out there for probably an hour. We're going to start locking the screen door. Now, we are.

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