Friday, June 01, 2007

Coming soon to a summer near you

Well, it's June 1 and Allie has all of four school days left as a first grader. I swear that it seems like about three months ago that she was starting kindergarten. Now she's doing spelling tests, reads or tries to read most everything, adds two-digit numbers to other two-digit numbers, works on fractions, and is learning the rules of basketball. Amazing stuff, really.

Julia is very much looking forward to having Allie with her all day at daycare this summer. I figure that's going to last about a week, then she's going to be tired of being bossed around. One big disadvantage to Allie being at least two years older than all of the other kids is that she directs most of what they do. We're very lucky that our daycare provider thinks she's going to be able to take the kids on field trips in her van this summer. That'll be a nice adventure for all of them.

So Allie has her school picnic (parents invited) on Tuesday, and her last field trip to the zoo on Thursday. Then she's done, and on to second grade.

Our local high school graduation is tonight. The way things are going, it'll seem like Allie has reached that milestone in about four years.

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