Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I like trees. They're cool, and standing under one can cool you off. I don't like the sun too much, so trees come in handy for shade. They're pretty. They tell you if it's windy or if a really big storm could be coming. They provide homes for lots of animals and bugs and stuff. They make oxygen, and oxygen has a tendency to come in handy for humans. They do lots of other good environmental things, that I'm sure of, but I can't list any additional ones. I like to watch how they get bigger over time, especially in my yard. They add value to homes and they make places look nice. You can build homes in trees and out of trees and you can even eat trees (and their baby nuts too). They're handy for comparing against the growth of children.

On the other hand, they can be messy. They fall down sometimes and wreck things and hurt people. Some people say that trees actually hurt global warming (but I don't remember how, I just read that somewhere). Sometimes people drive off roads and when they hit trees, the people die (and the trees too, for that matter). I guess the people could die by hitting something else, but maybe if the tree wasn't there, they'd just stop naturally and end up safe. Trees get in the way when people try to do other things in rural areas, like farm. And they get in the way when you're trying to see long distances.

Overall, though, trees seem to win out as good things instead of bad things.

See what happens when you can't think of anything to blog about?

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