Sunday, June 03, 2007

Oompa Loompa Love

We're watching the end of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." The old, good one, with Gene Wilder. I like this movie a lot. I've seen the new version, but I don't even remember anything about it, except that they changed the ending. This one is a classic and I'll stop and watch it whenever I chance upon it.

I don't remember whether I saw the movie or read the book first when I was a kid, but I know that I read the book more than once, plus the sequel. You mean you didn't know there's a sequel book? It's called "Charlie and the Glass Elevator" and it's a fantastic adventure in it's own right, involving outer space and aliens.

Right now, the scene at the very end is on, where they break out the roof of the candy factory and fly over Charlie's town. It looks beautiful, full of red clay roofs and winding streets. I wonder where it was filmed. Well, now I have to end this post and go look up the answer to that.

Thank god for the internet, or I'd wonder forever.

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