Thursday, June 07, 2007

Official junior bookworm

When Allie brought the last of her things home from school today, after an awesome last day of school field trip, her teacher included all of the reading logs we've completed for her during the school year. Yep, for the past nine months, I've written down (and had Allie rate using a smiley face, a neutral face, or a frowny face) almost every book she's read or had read to her. We don't usually read an entire book to her anymore, which is a big indicator of how her reading skills have improved this year. She's very eager to read to us.

She went to the school library at least three times each week, and I think it's a cool indicator of who she is as a kid that she only rated one book in the entire time period with a frowny face. One book, you say. Out of how many, Deb?

Well, actually. One out of 243. Yes, 243. That's how many books Allie has read in their entirety over the last few months. She's read at least parts of some additional books, but they didn't get written down unless she finished them (with one exception--I included "Where the Sidewalk Ends" because it's so long and she's read almost all of the poems).

I think that's awesomely cool.

Oh, she also did well on her report card and she's made some excellent strides after initially struggling with math, but hey, my kid is a bigtime reader. (Just like me, that's one of the awesome parts.)

Allie came in the room just now (she's staying up late since she doesn't have school tomorrow--yay, summer!) and she asked if I would read my post to her and if she could say something.

Allie says--I get to stay home with my Nana and Papa tomorrow. If we find my fishing pole, we could probably go fishing. The Weather Channel says it's going to be a nice day. Umm, what else should I put. My Nana will let us walk to the store. My friend, Hannah, is coming over June 15th. And we will watch a movie together. Hannah said, when the teacher asked us something that we would do over summer, she said, watch a movie with my friend. And then she looked at me and smiled.

See, my kid also has her own blog entries. Isn't she neat?

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