Sunday, June 10, 2007


As I sit here typing in the corner of our bedroom, my calves are killing me. Not my calf muscles, the skin on the back of my calves. That skin got completely cooked today when we took the girls to Noah's Ark Waterpark (the largest in North America, doncha know).

I had slathered myself everywhere with sunscreen to protect my notoriously sensitive skin. I dumped handfuls of the stuff on my children. And I thought that the only place I got burned was at the very top of my shoulders, in two little stripes around my swimsuit straps. Not too shabby, I thought.

Then I bathed the girls tonight, and found that Allie got burned on the tops of her thighs and a little on her shoulder. She was in water more than I or Julia was, so she washed her sunscreen off more quickly and she got burned slightly.

Julia didn't get burned at all, which makes sense because she was a lot more leery about getting wet than her sister. So I thought I was just that little bit burned until I was stretching and bending to clean the girls and I thought, hmm, why do my calves hurt. Eek. I'm cooked.

I put sunscreen on the tops of my thighs because I've gotten painfully burned there before. I didn't keep going down my legs, foolish Deb. Somehow I didn't burn the top of my feet, unlike my husband, who is in real pain tonight because he once again managed to cook the area between his sandal (mandal) straps.

I'm not even going to talk about his burnt face, stomach, lower back, legs, and upper arms. Let's just say that my husband is not a wise man. Two of his sisters have already had skin cancer and yet he has to be a tough guy when it comes to sunscreen. He did his face and let me do his shoulders, and so he paid the price today and will probably again within the next five years.

I'm going to start putting sunscreen in his bath soap and bath towel, as well as his shirts and sheets. I don't like lobster. And I know I don't want holes in his epidermis.

The water park was a blast, by the way.

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