Sunday, March 18, 2007

The British are coming!

We just heard the above statement on TV and even though they were referring to guest stars on American Idol, it's true for us personally too. Dan and Kerry are visiting us from Yorkshire this week. So far, I've had three people warn me that it's not a good idea to let people into your life that you know only from the internet. I'm sure Dan and Kerry aren't going to murder us in our beds, right? And if they do--it's Dan and Kerry Hughes, from Huddersfield, Yorkshire . . . OR AT LEAST THAT'S WHO THEY TOLD US THEY WERE!

In other matters, Julia has decided that she can get anything she wants, and I do mean anything, just by saying please in a plaintive voice, smiling winningly, widening her eyes, and blinking her eyelashes.

She tried to get fruit snacks last night, five minutes before bed, by trying the above strategy. I started laughing at her and I couldn't stop laughing when she joined me with her giggles. She's had a particularly deep-throated giggle lately that sounds a little like it belongs to a 40-year old female smoker. Nonetheless, we laughed and she continued saying please until I distracted her with something else. You didn't think I was going to actually give them to her, did you? I'm made of stronger stuff than that.

She only gets fruit snacks five minutes before bed on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.

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