Friday, March 30, 2007

Fraud afoot

There's a movement going on that may mean the downfall of the huge ratings juggernaut that is "American Idol." There's a word you don't get to use every day, Juggernaut. I spelled it right first try, by the way, though I believe it's the first time I've ever spelled it. I would have been great at spelling bees, you know, if only our school had done them.

Anyway, a guy started a website a few years ago that actually seems to be having an impact this year. It's focus is to choose the worst contestant on American Idol and then twist the results of the weekly voting for who gets kicked off, by calling in for that person. This guy has gotten a lot of press this week and despite the fact that the candidate they've chosen as the worst is clearly outmatched as a singer, he's not getting kicked off the show. In fact, this week three singers who are obviously better are all on the hot seat to be removed from the show while he scored enough votes to not even be in contention to be voted off.

A news story I read said that the British edition of American Idol, "Pop Idol," was discontinued when Simon Cowell decided the U.K. public could no longer be trusted to choose the best singer. Is this the end of our series too?

I confess I wouldn't miss the show a bit. Millions and millions of Americans would, I know, disagree.

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