Monday, March 26, 2007

Resting easy

Poor Kerry and Dan. Right now, they're on a plane, halfway across the Atlantic, legs aching (especially Dan, who's much taller than he looks on the internet--and no, I'm not sure what I mean by that) and watching the time tick slowly away until they see their kids and their home again. This is after they spent three must-have-been-uncomfortable nights on a much smaller bed than they're used to.

We had a wonderful weekend with them, involving lots of running around and lots of good food and lots and lots of talking. Neither Greg nor I picked up a British accent, though I think we both had times when we found ourselves speaking with a definite English lilt. Both Dan and Kerry were kind enough to make things easy for us, always translating British pounds into dollars and using American words for things instead of expecting us to know what they were talking about if they spoke without thinking.

There was one time yesterday though, when they exchanged a few words in some kind of code that I was completely unable to follow. I'm not talking about the kind of code that married couples use (Happy 5th Anniversary again, Dan and Kerry!). I'm talking about them briefly discussing something and not trying to speak distinctly for their American hosts. The result was some kind of slurring, shorthand, lilting thing that didn't even sound like English.

As I said before, they were wonderful guests, wonderful with our children (and patient), very flexible, quiet, funny, wonderful conversationists, and all-around fun. I'm already wishing they lived closer. Closer than 3000 miles away, anyway!

And now we're getting back to our normal schedule, putting the girls to bed on time instead of 1/2 hour to 45 minutes late, and heading to bed early ourselves tonight to catch up on a little sleep. If we could, we'd loan some of that sleep to the Hughes on their uncomfortable trip home. Safe journey, you two!

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