Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's all gone

It took almost three weeks, but our recent stretch of warm weather and some rain has done in the huge amount of snow we had on the ground. There are only small snowbanks here and there and even they look like they'll be leaving us any day now.

On the day we hit almost 70 degrees, Allie wore her (winter) coat as she walked from the bus stop. She had her snow boots on also, but she left off the stocking cap and snow pants. Then she complained about how hot she was.

My tulips are coming up and if the rabbits don't eat them, I'll have pink and yellow blossoms in a little bit. We take pictures of them almost every year because they make me happy, even though they look exactly the same every year. A little later, my dwarf Korean lilac bush will bloom and that makes me even happier.

Spring is coming, it really is!

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