Saturday, March 03, 2007

Spoiling pets

Back in 1989, I got my first cat and immediately started spoiling him. I bought a special videotape just for him called "Video Catnip." Someone had an idea to make a million bucks and videotaped a bunch of birds and squirrels in their backyard for cats to watch. It sounds stupid, but hey, I bought one.

Fast forward 18 years and this week, we pulled out the old videotape and made two new cats very happy. Rabies, especially, is completely fascinated by these birds chirping and jumping around and eating, but he especially likes the squirrels. We're going to have a cool time this summer when we have real squirrels running around the backyard.

The tape comes with a warning that cats may become very excited and so you are to be sure that your TV doesn't have any exposed wiring in back. They also tell you to remove all breakables from near the set, in case your cat completely goes crazy.

You know, I don't knock your hobby!

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